Engaging the teaching community – innovations in professional learning approaches

15 May 2024

Speakers: Dr Narelle Wood (Senior Education Advisor, Community Engagement, Parliament of Victoria); Natalie Badcock (Community Education & Engagement Manager, Parliament of South Australia)

Chair: Dr Sarah Moulds (University of South Australia and Deputy Chair of IPEN)

This IPEN seminar will explore approaches used by the legislatures of South Australia and Victoria (Australia) to promote more meaningful engagement from teachers in civics, democracy and citizenship teaching.

Narelle Wood will outline how the Parliament of Victoria has partnered with Swinburne University of Technology to use co-design principles in civics and citizenship professional development workshops with teachers. Narelle will share some of the co-design activities, some of the benefits and key learnings from using co-design, and how this work has influenced the education strategy moving forward.

Natalie Badcock will present on contemporary practices around finding and engaging teachers with professional learning in South Australia, and the flow on effect the training has on perceptions of the Parliament. Natalie will also take attendees through a preview of the Parliament’s ‘Top 5 Tips for Teaching Civics & Citizenship’ seminar, which involves interactive elements and stepping into the shoes of a teacher.

This online seminar will take place in MS Teams and is open to all members of the International Parliament Engagement Network.

Find out more about the network.


Teachers from the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership Teaching Excellence Program participating in a workshop at Parliament Victoria on excursions in the Humanities. Photo courtesy of Parliament of Victoria.