Call for speakers for IPEN Showcase

Have you got an example of public engagement practice you’re involved with that you’d like to share with other IPEN members?

Are you developing any exciting new projects connected to public engagement with parliaments?

Are you involved with any new research on the topic?

Or are you looking to link up with others to find solutions to problems you face in creating meaningful engagement strategies for your parliament?

IPEN Showcase is a chance for International Parliament Engagement Network members to come together to share what they are doing, get feedback, develop ideas and meet others doing similar things. 

We’d like to invite IPEN members to take part in this first of a new series of online events aimed at sharing work or research in under five minutes!

More details about how to take part can be found in our IPEN MS Teams space or contact Fiona Blair at

This online event is open to all members of the International Parliament Engagement Network.

Find out more about the network.

Article published: 10 October 2023