
Since the launch of the International Parliament Engagement Network (IPEN) in March 2020, we’ve held a very popular seminar series for members of the network. These seminars spotlight different types of engagement initiatives from around the world and associated research and they are held on IPEN’s MS Teams home.

In May 2022, IPEN started to co-host the global Public Engagement Hub of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), in partnership with its Centre for Innovation in Parliament (CIP). Through the Hub, we co-organise monthly webinars, which are hosted on Zoom and open to wider audiences with an interest in public engagement with parliaments.

Below you’ll find a list of upcoming and past seminars.

You can find out how to join IPEN here.

Self-Determined Engagement with Parliament: Australia’s First Nations and the Uluru Statement from the Heart

23rd June 2021 Parliaments around the world have recognised the need to actively engage with...

Creative engagement with hard to reach communities

26th May 2021 In this seminar we hear from three speakers involved exciting and innovative public engagement activities...

Delivery and impact of Climate Assembly UK: integrating a citizens’ assembly with parliamentary work

17th February 2021 Sarah Allan The Involve Foundation In this seminar we’ll hear from Sarah...

TheGist: A new data analysis tool for parliaments

16th December 2020 Nicole Nisbett University of Leeds In this seminar, Nicole will present an application...

Making change happen in parliamentary engagement

18th November 2020 Gillian Baxendine & Sally Coyne Scottish Parliament In this interactive seminar, Gillian and...

Parliamentary Storytelling: a new concept for public engagement

21st October 2020 Dr Alex Prior University of East Anglia...

Measuring the impact of parliamentary engagement on law-making in Westminster Parliaments

28th July 2020 Dr Sarah Moulds Senior Lecturer in Law, University of South Australia This Seminar...

Implementing online deliberative methods of engagement

14th July 2020 Andreas Nitsche Co-Founder of LiquidFeedback The success of an online participation system depends...

Engaging with the public during Covid-19

1st July 2020 In this inaugural seminar we will hear from officials in the UK...