1 March 2023
Speakers: Anne Valkering and Tatjana Meijvogel-Volk (ProDemos)
This IPEN seminar will outline the history and process of developing the ‘Stemwijzer’, a voting aid application (VAA) for Dutch elections. The Stemwijzer has been around since 1989 and was used 7.8 million times at the most recent parliamentary elections (2021). The VAA is a type of quiz, in which voters are invited to agree or disagree with a range of statements and assign a weight to their responses. Based on this information, they are matched to political parties.
The seminar will cover challenges to developing the VAA, how the team works with academics, experiences with exporting the VAA to other countries, and future plans.
This online seminar is open to all members of the International Parliament Engagement Network. Find out how to join the network.